Bunjie Nip It In The Bub Baby Nappy & Barrier Cream 90g



Bunjie Nip It In The Bub Baby Nappy & Barrier Cream 90g Description: Nip it in the bub Made with a combination of ProbioOat Barrier Complex, Tasmanian mountain berry, Colloidal oat & Moringa oil Nip It In The Bub Baby Nappy & Barrier Cream ensures your baby has a happy butt. It helps soothe cranky …


Bunjie Nip It In The Bub Baby Nappy & Barrier Cream 90g


Nip it in the bub

Made with a combination of ProbioOat Barrier Complex, Tasmanian mountain berry, Colloidal oat & Moringa oil Nip It In The Bub Baby Nappy & Barrier Cream ensures your baby has a happy butt. It helps soothe cranky little skin and its plant powered barrier will not be defeated by damp little nappies. ?


Barrier Complex

Like Kombucha for the skin. Our super smart microbiome & barrier booster supports naturally stronger, naturally happier little skin from day 1.

Colloidal Oat

Loved for generations (a bit like Weetbix) & full of natural goodies to make sure that hungry little skin starts life strong.

Mountain Berry

Our homegrown aussie super-hero that we think little skin all over the planet deserves to meet. Keep skin calm & berry on.

Moringa Oil

An A-list moisturising celebrity that keeps little skin oh-so-soft & protected.

Contraindications & Cautions:

Always read the label and use as directed.

While all efforts have been made to ensure that ingredient listings are accurate, up to date and complete for products on the Superpharmacy website, suppliers may change formulations on short notice. Please check ingredient listings on the actual product before use. 
www.superpharmacy.com.au Australia’s best source for baby skincare online.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 10 cm