Bunjie Hide & Squeak Baby Bubble Bath 300ml



Bunjie Hide & Squeak Baby Bubble Bath 300ml Description: Hide & squeak Get ready to put your best bubble beard forward! Whilst you silently pray they’re not peeing, our do-goodie bubbles whip up a cheeky burst of nourishing suds for super happy little skin ? Ingredients: ProbioOat® Barrier Complex Like Kombucha for the skin. Our super smart …


Bunjie Hide & Squeak Baby Bubble Bath 300ml


Hide & squeak

Get ready to put your best bubble beard forward! Whilst you silently pray they’re not peeing, our do-goodie bubbles whip up a cheeky burst of nourishing suds for super happy little skin ?


Barrier Complex

Like Kombucha for the skin. Our super smart microbiome & barrier booster supports naturally stronger, naturally happier little skin from day 1.

Colloidal Oat

Loved for generations (a bit like Weetbix) & full of natural goodies to make sure that hungry little skin starts life strong.


AKA magic Maggie. Say goodbye to little growing pains & open the escape hatch to happy sleep. We told you she was magic!

Moringa Oil

An A-list moisturising celebrity that protects little skin from the drying nasties found floating around in bath water.

Contraindications & Cautions:

Always read the label and use as directed.

While all efforts have been made to ensure that ingredient listings are accurate, up to date and complete for products on the Superpharmacy website, suppliers may change formulations on short notice. Please check ingredient listings on the actual product before use. 
www.superpharmacy.com.au Australia’s best source for baby skincare online.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 10 cm