Schuessler Tissue Salts Sprays Bone Health Calc Phos 30ml



Schuessler Tissue Salts Sprays Bone Health Calc Phos 30ml Description: SCHUESSLER TISSUE SALTS SPRAYS BONE HEALTH CALC PHOS 30ML Overview Calc Phos is the most abundant tissue salt in the body. It is found in the bones, teeth, and connective tissue, blood corpuscles and gastric juices. Calc Phos unites with albumin giving solidity to the …


Schuessler Tissue Salts Sprays Bone Health Calc Phos 30ml




Calc Phos is the most abundant tissue salt in the body. It is found in the bones, teeth, and connective tissue, blood corpuscles and gastric juices. Calc Phos unites with albumin giving solidity to the bones and building the teeth. Bone is 57% Calcium Phosphate. It is the main constituent of all cells of the body fluids and restores tone to weakened tissues and organs. It assists with the digestion and absorption of food and is vitally important for the building of good bones and body structure. One needs this tissue salt to make a robust constitution and it is thus lacking in a weak constitution. It will speed up convalescence and replenish the body’s reserves. Calc Phos also plays a part in blood coagulation and can assist with excessive bleeding – nose bleeds.


  • Adults: 4 sprays
  • Children: 2 sprays
  • Infants: 1 spray


  • Acute conditions: every half an hour (up to 6 doses per day) until symptoms subside.
  • Chronic or maintenance dose: 4 times daily.
  • Take half an hour before meals, last dose at bedtime, or as professionally prescribed.

Contraindications & Cautions

Always read the label & use only as directed. 

While all efforts have been made to ensure that ingredient listings are accurate, up to date and complete for products on the Superpharmacy website, suppliers may change formulations on short notice. Please check ingredient listings on the actual product before use. 

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 10 cm