Curasept Orthodontic Toothbrush (Colours selected at random)



Curasept Orthodontic Toothbrush (Colours selected at random) Description: Product Description: The orthodontic brush is designed to allow thorough oral hygiene for those with orthodontic brackets and bands. The bristles have an irregular surface to help effective cleaning without any enamel damage. The V Profile cut of the bristles optimises cleaning. The central row is shorter …


Curasept Orthodontic Toothbrush (Colours selected at random)


Product Description:

The orthodontic brush is designed to allow thorough oral hygiene for those with orthodontic brackets and bands. The bristles have an irregular surface to help effective cleaning without any enamel damage.

The V Profile cut of the bristles optimises cleaning. The central row is shorter and the outer rows longer, to clean around the wires and brockets and to clean the teeth surface.

It is important to care for your dental health when you have braces. Braces can make it easier for plaque to grow from trapped food. If not adequately removed by cleaning, plaque may lead to tooth decay and gingivitis (inflamed gums). The Curasept Orthodontic Toothbrush may help with your dental hygiene routine when you have an orthodontic appliance.

Directions for use:

Rinsing after meals and before brushing will help remove any food that gets stuck in your teeth or braces. You can rinse with a mouthwash, mouth rinse, or tap water.

Brush gently for two minutes using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Hold the brush at a 45-degree angle and use small circular motions pressing on the fronts and then backs of your teeth.

Brush your teeth twice a day with Curasept’s orthodontic toothbrush.


Always read the label & use only as directed.

While all efforts have been made to ensure that ingredient listings are accurate, up to date and complete for products on the Superpharmacy website, suppliers may change formulations on short notice. Please check ingredient listings on the actual product before use.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 10 cm