Nicorette Quit Smoking Inhalator 15mg 1 Mouthpiece 4 Cartridges



Nicorette Quit Smoking Inhalator 15mg 1 Mouthpiece 4 Cartridges Description: NICORETTE INHALATOR 1 MOUTHPIECE & 4 CARTRIDGES Overview Nicorette inhalator is a quit smoking aid. Nicorette inhalator works by relieving nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It may be used to stop smoking abruptly or cut down smoking before stopping. The inhalator is intended for those …


Nicorette Quit Smoking Inhalator 15mg 1 Mouthpiece 4 Cartridges



Nicorette inhalator is a quit smoking aid. Nicorette inhalator works by relieving nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It may be used to stop smoking abruptly or cut down smoking before stopping. The inhalator is intended for those who smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day.

Directions for Use
Instructions for stopping immediately: During weeks 1-12. 1 Cartridge when you have an urge to smoke or every 2-4 hours. For best results use 3-6 cartridges/day. After 12 weeks. Gradually reduce to 1-2 cartridges a day and then stop use. Use beyond 12 months is not recommended.

Instructions for cutting down: Gradually increase inhalator use (maximum 6 cartridges/day) and reduce smoking with the aim of stopping by 6 months. If you have not cut down at 6 weeks or stopped at 9 months, see your doctor/ pharmacist.

How to use the inhalator: 1. When you have cravings inhale through mouthpiece as required. 2. Continue for up to 40 minutes. Replace cartridge. See pack insert for information on how to assemble for use.

Nicotine 15mg

Contraindications and Cautions
Ask your doctor/pharmacist before use if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, a stomach ulcer, kidney or liver disease, to take insulin for diabetes, an overactive thyroid, adrenal gland cancer. Ask your doctor/pharmacist before use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, under 18 years of age, taking any other medicines. Do not use unless a doctor has told you to if you have had a stroke, or heart circulation problems. Use in adolescents under professional supervision only. Do not use if you are allergic to nicotine.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 10 cm