Weleda Perineum Massage Oil 50ml



Weleda Perineum Massage Oil 50ml Description: Product Description: From 34 weeks you can prepare for the birth of your baby with regular massage using Perineum Massage Oil to enhance flexibility in the skin of the birth area. With sweet almond and vitamin E rich wheatgerm oil, the oil is especially formulated for massages which help …


Weleda Perineum Massage Oil 50ml


Product Description:

From 34 weeks you can prepare for the birth of your baby with regular massage using Perineum Massage Oil to enhance flexibility in the skin of the birth area. With sweet almond and vitamin E rich wheatgerm oil, the oil is especially formulated for massages which help the perineum to become more flexible and relaxed.

Dermatologically tested. Free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colourants, free of raw materials derived from mineral oil. Vegan.

Usage directions:

Massage 3-4 times a week for 5-10 minutes, from the 34th week of pregnancy. Best used after first bathing in warm water and making sure the bladder is empty. Settle into a relaxed, comfortable position. Glide gently over the tissues, ensuring the massage is painless. Insert the finger into the vagina to around the second finger joint. Massage rhythmically with a light touch on the vaginal wall in a rotating movement, like the hand of a clock moving back and forth from 3 to 9.


Sweet Almond Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Parfum, Limonene, Linalool, Citronellol, Geraniol, Citral, Eugenol.


Always read the label and use as directed.

We make every effort to provide accurate images and ingredients of each product. However, suppliers, information and images may change at short notice and individual packaging is dependent on stock. Please ensure you check the ingredients thoroughly on the actual product before use.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 10 cm